Irresponsible and Uncaring Parents

3-Year-Old Boy Armed
A 3-year-old boy was found wandering in the streets, with a loaded .38 caliber revolver. His mother was found with drugs in her possession. She was arrested on charges of drugs and cruelty of her child.

Father Gets His 3-Year-Old Son Drunk
The father of a 3-year-old boy gave him enough wine to cause intoxication. The boy’s blood alcohol level was .093; almost the .10 that is the state’s legally drunk level for an adult. The boy’s mother contacted the authorities when she discovered he was intoxicated, and the father was arrested.

A 14-Year-Old Boy Killed his brother with the Gun His Mother Gave Him
The mother of a 14-year-old boy gave him a gun to take to school to protect himself against threats from some other children. The boy killed his brother with that gun. The killing was ruled as an accident.

Military Shell Explosion Injures 12 Students
A military shell exploded in a classroom when it was dropped by one of the students as it was being passed around.  12 students were injured. Among the injured students, three were reported in critical condition. The injuries the students sustained were very serious, devastating, military-type injuries. The force from the explosion was said to have been felt for a quarter-mile.

The cause of many crimes in society is due to failure of parents to accept responsibility of their role in taking proper care of their children, by being good role models.

Written by: Ellen J. Barrier


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