The Rules of a Strong Woman

“On the left side of a strong woman, stands a strong man; he is strengthened by her character.” 
― Ellen J. Barrier

Rules of a Strong Woman

“The person who is rich is the one who possess kindness, caring, help others when needed, gives things that money can't buy, and spend time with those who need someone to listen to their stories. Sometimes money isn't needed.” 

"She does not focus her energy on less important things in life: To focus energy on the less important things in life, hinder creating a solution to solve those problems that are of the most importance.” 

Desire is inspired by motivation, which gives us hope to believe in ourselves that we can set goals and pursue them successfully.” 

We have the ability to write the blueprint for our own goals, and decide how we want to pursue them. If we allow others to do it for us, we won’t achieve our full potential to be the best we can be.” 

“Perfection is an everlasting goal to pursue. It reminds us that we are mortal beings capable of making mistakes. When we correct them, it gives us an opportunity to become better people.” 

“Books open and broaden our minds allowing us to challenge ourselves to become more than we are, by setting positive goals for ourselves, and overcoming doubts about our ability to receive the education we want to achieve.” 

“We are not going to always agree with each other, but we should have the dignity to always respect each other’s freedom of speech and of choice. Democracy is practiced when we have respect for human rights.” 

*Praying women are strong. From their prayers they gain wisdom from God as a gift. With his  blessings, he enables them to accomplish their goals.

Quotes by Ellen J. Barrier on Goodreads 

Husband Kills Cheating Wife Judge Favor Husband’s Decision

Headlines In The News

A truck driver found his wife and another man in their bed in the act of sexual misconduct; when he arrived home early one night. After the man and his wife argued about her unfaithfulness, he shot her in the head with a shotgun; the woman died.

Neither the judge nor the prosecutor showed any sympathy for the woman in this case. The judge stated, “I seriously wonder how many married men-married for four or five years, would have the strength to walk away, without inflicting some corporal punishment? I am forced to impose a sentence, only because I think I must do it, to make the system honest.”
The prosecutor stated “This may sound cold, but it was only one shot.There was no history of domestic violence in this case.“

Punishment for the husband was a sentence up to 18 months in jail, with possible work release, and 50 hours of community service in an unspecified domestic violence program for murdering his wife.

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 Written by Ellen J. Barrier
Author of The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins