Avoid Living in The Past

           Don"t Get Stuck in Past.-Time

"We can't control our destiny. We can't go back into our past history and make changes. But we can begin this moment by setting a goal and pursuing it for a better life with a greater purpose."

__ Ellen J. Barrier

You Must Release the Past from Your Mind
“But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  Apostle Paul

Avoid living in the past. Accept God’s forgiveness for your wrongdoings, and strive for a better future, and to become a better person.  Otherwise, you will become a prisoner locked behind the corridors of your past.

Living in the Past by Choice
For the individual who are able to make choices, but due to anger and grudges, refuses to let go of the past, he or she made the choice to become a prisoner of their past.  Such individuals are mean spirited people.  Living in their past, only makes them bitter, unkind and unhappy, because they refuge to forget what someone may have said or done to them, that they didn’t like,  and they aren’t about to forget, and in their mind, they are never going to forgive.

The Helpless Prisoner
Some people are afraid to move on.  Therefore, they are living in the past.  There are different reasons for which people are imprisoned in their past.  Fear and unhappiness can hold a person as a prisoner. They  prevent that person from making changes in their lives. They aren’t able to set goals because of the fear and unhappiness they are shackled to. They can't release themselves from their prison.

The cause of fear and unhappiness is oftentimes due to a bad relationship or abuse that such an individual experienced.  Therefore, they would need someone to help them by working patiently with them.  Otherwise, they will remain a prisoner in their past (psychologically). This is a helpless prisoner.

Source for quote: Philippians 3:13-14 King James Version Bible

Ellen J. Barrier
__ Author