Should The World Be Concerned About A Deadly Virus Outbreak?

In the year of February 1996, scientists revealed that countless numbers of deadly viruses are lurking in the world, that they have no cures for. These scientists warned that, “At sometime, somewhere, there will be an outbreak that will destroy the entire world.” They informed that “One drop of infected blood, can wipe out a whole city.”

These scientists further stated, that the United States has come face to face with the full blown viral crises that there are no cures for.

Deadly Viruses
Kikwit, Zaire ___ May, 1995: 600,000 people were placed under quarantine due to fear of an outbreak of the Ebola Virus. The virus was said to have killed more than 100 people. There is no cure for this virus.

The Ebola virus has continued to spread to other areas of the world and destroy thousands of lives.
Symptoms of the Ebola Virus According to This Report
Sudden shock
Hemorrhaging from every orifice of the body

Australia___April , 1995: A new virus called Morbillivirus that is related to measles in humans and distemper in cattle, dogs, seals, and porpoises, killed 14 horses and their trainer. According to scientists, this virus is an example of a newly “emerging infection that has joined the Hantavirus, Tuberculosis, and others as potential new threats to world health.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

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